This item was deprecated in version 2013r1. Please use SQLiteDatabase as a replacement.
The REALSQLdatabase class is a legacy class used to access SQLite databases. Use the SQLiteDatabase class instead.
Name |
Type |
Read-Only |
Shared |
✓ |
Name |
Parameters |
Returns |
Shared |
file As FolderItem, databaseName As String, [password As String] |
databaseName As String |
password As String |
Property descriptions
AutoCommit As Boolean
Determines whether the database commits changes automatically, or whether changes open an implicit transaction that you must explicitly close by calling Commit or Rollback. The default is False.
A default of False means that a new transaction is started for you when you use a command that modifies the database. To make these changes permanent, you need to issue a Commit after you are finished modifying the database. Use Rollback to cancel the transaction and your changes. Using transactions greatly improves performance of most databases.
If you change this to True, then a Commit will be issued for you after any command that can modify the database. If you are doing a lot of database updates this can dramatically reduce performance.
DatabaseFile As FolderItem
Specifies the FolderItem for the REALSQLdatabase file. If DatabaseFile is Nil, calling the Connect method creates an in-memory database.
EncryptionKey As String
Specifies the encryption key used to create or connect to an encrypted database.
LibraryVersion As String
Returns a String containing the version of SQLite used by REALSQLdatabase.
This property is read-only.
MultiUser As Boolean
Enables the SQLite Write-Ahead Logging (WAL) mode which can improve performance of database writes. This is especially useful when multiple users are writing to the database, as can be the case with web applications.
ShortColumnNames As Boolean
If True, REALSQLdatabase will use the column names as they appear in table schemas for query results whenever it can. Aliased columns and ambiguous columns will be fully qualified. If False, REALSQLdatabase will return column names exactly as they appeared in the original query. The default value is True.
ThreadYieldInterval As Integer
Yields time back to your app every N virtual machine instructions. The unit is virtual machine instructions.
Timeout As Double
The maximum number of seconds that an operation may wait before a lock is cleared (if any).
Method descriptions
AttachDatabase(file As FolderItem, databaseName As String, [password As String]) As Boolean
Attaches the REAL SQL Database referred to by file to the database. It gives the newly attached database the name databaseName.
CreateDataBaseFile As Boolean
Creates a new REALSQLdatabase. It uses the DatabaseFile property as the FolderItem for the database to create.
Decrypts an encrypted database.
DetachDatabase(databaseName As String)
Detaches the passed database which was previously attached with AttachDatabase.
Encrypt(password As String)
Encrypts the database using the password as the encryption key. If you pass an empty string, it decrypts the database.
LastRowID As Int64
Returns an Int64 containing the value of the last RowID added to any table in the database.
Switch to SQLiteDatabase as this class is deprecated.
All project types on all supported operating systems.
See also
Database parent class; SQLiteDatabase, DatabaseRow, PreparedSQLStatement, SQLitePreparedStatement, RowSet classes.