XojoTalk podcast

Xojo Engineer Paul Lefebvre and special Xojo guests talk about Xojo, technology and more. The XojoTalk podcast is not currently active. To listen to archived podcasts, use the links below or the Podcasts playlist on Xojo's YouTube channel.







2020 Release 2 Extravaganza

December 4, 2020

Xojo Engineers Paul and Travis talk about Xojo 2020 Release 2 and Apple M1 Macs.


2020 Release 1

August 31, 2020

Paul and Greg talk about Xojo 2020 Release 1, Web 2.0 and other things.


I Might Have Gone a Little Overboard

September 5, 2019

Join Paul as he talks with Anthony Cyphers of GraffitiSuite, which won the 2019 Xojo Design Award for Best Developer Tool.


Back in Black

June 5, 2019

XojoTalk is back with a super-sized episode! Paul and Geoff talk about announcements from WWDC 2019 and more.


Talking from Tomorrow

September 12, 2017

Paul talks with Wayne Golding of Axis Direct about how his company uses Xojo, Xojo 2017 Release 2, New Zealand and more.


Copy-Paste-Search and Replace

June 14, 2017

Paul talks with Terry Eutsler, of Softbase Development, Inc, about how he migrated a large enterprise app from VB6 to Xojo, old-school programming, music and more.


Virtual Office Rules

February 28, 2017

Join Paul as he talks with Dana Brown and Alyssa Foley, the two women that keep Xojo running, as they talk about how they came to Xojo, working from home, being full-time working moms, XDC and favorite TV shows.


We Like Our Customers

October 25, 2016

Join Paul as he talks with Xojo founder and CEO Geoff Perlman about XDC 2016, macOS Sierra, iOS 10, iPhone 7, Airpods and possible new Macs.


I Went to High School with the Apple File System Guy

September 26, 2016

In this special episode of XojoTalk, the tables are turned as XojoTalk host Paul Lefebvre is interviewed by Tim Dietrich.


Email is Not a Project Management Tool

August 30, 2016

Join Paul as he talks with Susan Fennema of Beyond the Chaos. Susan helps small business owners control their lives through better process, organization, and structure of the business operations and projects. There is some great advice in this episode that should apply to almost everyone!


Database Goddess

July 26, 2016

Paul talks with Carol Keeney of BKeeney Software about databases, requirements analysis, agile/scrum and much more.


Happened by Accident

June 28, 2016

Paul talks with Tom Catchesides of Light Blue Software about how he started using Xojo, the experience of migrating a FileMaker app to Xojo, surnames and retro computers. Don't miss this fun-filled episode!


Toughest Thing is the Substitutions

May 24, 2016

In this episode of XojoTalk, Paul talks with Jim Meyer, who uses Xojo for NCAA stat tracking, home automation, workflow automation and much more.


Figure Out Stuff on My Own

April 26, 2016

In this episode of XojoTalk, Paul talks with Kimball Larsen who uses Xojo to create acupuncture software called AcuGraph.


Take a Walk

April 6, 2016

Join Paul as he talks with forum poster extraordinaire, Michel Bujardet!


I Like Things That Just Work

February 23, 2015

Paul talks with Tim Parnell, creator of several Xojo add-ons and active Xojo forum contributor.


Enterprise Consulting

January 26, 2015

Paul talks with Arthur Couture and Tom Rupprecht of ICAL Systems, a consulting company that does enterprise software development using Xojo.


Spoiler Alert

December 29, 2015

In this special episode of XojoTalk, Paul talks Star Wars The Force Awakens with Bob Keeney and Marc Zeedar. The first few minutes are spoiler-free, but the rest of the podcast is spoiler-filled, so go see The Force Awakens first!


Ghost Touches

November 17, 2015

Paul and special guest Geoff Perlman continue their conversation from last month's Xojo Talk 018 Not The Pi You Eat, this time changing gears to talk about the new OS releases from the past few months.


Not the Pi You Eat

October 20, 2015

Paul and special guest Geoff Perlman talk about the new features in Xojo 2015 Release 3 plus a a bonus announcement at the end.


I Keep My Secrets to Myself

September 8, 2015

Paul talks with Bruno Frechette and Jonanthan Guillemette of PJJ Productions.


Magical Toolkit

August 5, 2015

Paul talks with Craig Boyd, Xojo developer and Data Architect. Craig also writes the database column for xDev Magazine.


Type My Password like an animal

July 1, 2015

Paul talks with Justin Elliott, IT and Development Manager at Penn State University.


Software Maniacs

June 16, 2015

Paul talks with Ken Whitaker, the Managing Director of Leading Software Maniacs, an expert in leadership, project management and Agile development.


Hockey Programmer

June 2, 2015

Paul talks with Mike Cotrone, owner of Intelligent Visibility, makers of some powerful networking apps that are all created with Xojo.


Shipping is a Feature

May 26, 2015

Paul talks with Paul Levine, maker of EverWeb, the Mac (and soon Windows) Web site builder.


The forum is My Personal Training Ground

April 9, 2015

Paul talks with Tim Hare of Telios Systems Company.


Strap a Mac Pro to My Wrist

March 24, 2015

Paul talks with Tim Dietrich a newcomer to the Xojo development world.


It's My Dog

March 11, 2015

Paul talks with Xojo Senior Engineer Norman Palardy.


Really Wicked

February 25, 2015

Paul talks with Hal Gumbert, Xojo developer and owner of Camp Software.



February 10, 2015

Paul talks with Xojo developer and Linux aficionado Kevin Cully.


I have No Idea What You're Talking About

January 27, 2015

Paul talks with long-time Xojo developer Kem Tekinay.


Where's My Column?

January 15, 2015

Paul talks with Marc Zeedar, publisher of xDev, the Xojo Developer Magazine. Topics include the magazine, publishing formats, iOS, pricing apps, iOS, the App Store and more.


Grizzled Veterans

December 17, 2014

Paul talks with Xojo engineer Travis Hill.


Developer of Long Standing

November 11, 2014

Paul talks with Eric Gibbon, a long-time Xojo developer and one of the organizers of the Xojo Users' Group UK Conferences.


That's A Lot Of Tens

October 7, 2014

Paul talks with Bob Keeney, a long-time member of the Xojo community and founder of BKeeney Software.


Shoving Phones In Their Pockets

September 23, 2014

In this initial episode of the XojoTalk podcast, Xojo Developer Evangelist Paul Lefebvre is joined by Xojo founder and CEO Geoff Perlman. Topics include Xojo for iOS, Microsoft buying Mojang (Minecraft), the 2015 Xojo Developer Conference and the Apple iPhone, Pay and Watch event.