This item was deprecated in version 2019r2. Please use String.Middle as a replacement.
Returns a portion of a string. The first character is numbered 1.
result = Mid(source, start [, length ])
Part |
Type |
Description |
result |
The portion of source from start and continuing for length characters or all remaining characters if length is not specified. |
source |
Required. The string from which characters are returned. |
start |
Required. The position of the first character to be returned. |
length |
Optional. The number of characters to return from source. |
To determine the number of characters in a string, use the String.Length function.
The Mid function works properly with international text.
Sample code
These examples use the Mid function to return portions of a string.
Var s As String
s = Mid("This is a test", 6) ' returns "is a test"
s = Mid("This is a test", 11, 4) ' returns "test"
s = "This is a test"
s = s.Mid(11, 4) ' returns "test"
This example converts the text string in TextField1 to hex and writes the result to TextField2:
TextField2.Text = ""
For i As Integer = 1 To TextField1.Text.Length
TextField2.Text = TextField2.Text + "&h" + Hex(Mid(TextField1.Text, i, 1).Asc)
All project types on all supported operating systems.
See also
Asc, Chr, String.IndexOf, String.Left, String.Length, String.Right functions.