This item was deprecated in version 2020r2. Please use MobileSegment as a replacement.
An item to display within the SegmentedControl.
Property descriptions
Icon As iOSImage
The icon to display.
Although you can have both an Icon and a Title, iOS only shows one of them, preferring the icon if available.
If you use an icon that is too large (about 28x28 seems to be the maximum), you will only see an empty square.
Only the mask for the icon is used, displayed using the tint color for iOS (currently blue), so be sure to use a PNG with an alpha channel.
Changes the icon for the first segment:
MySegmentedControl.Item(0).Icon = MyNewIcon
Selected As Boolean
Indicates if the item is selected.
Only one segment can display as selected. If multiple segments have Selected = True, then the last one with Selected = True is the one that displays as selected.
Set the first segment as selected:
MySegmentedControl.Item(0).Selected = True
Title As Text
The title text of the item.
Although you can have both an Icon and a Title, iOS only shows one of them, preferring the icon if available.
Changes the title for the first segment:
MySegmentedControl.Item(0).Title = "First!"
Width As Double
The width of the item in points. Leave at 0 to have the segment use the available space. If the widths of all segments are 0, then the space will be divided equally amongst the segments.
Change the first segment width:
MySegmentedControl.Item(0).Width = 50
Method descriptions
Constructor(icon As Picture)
Constructors are special methods called when you create an object with the New keyword and pass in the parameters above.
Creates an item using the specified image.
Constructor(title As String = "")
Constructors are special methods called when you create an object with the New keyword and pass in the parameters above.
Creates an item using the optional title.
In the Open event handler of an iOSSegmentedControl, adds a segment with a title:
Me.Add(New iOSSegmentedControlItem("Moon"))
iOS projects on the iOS operating system.
See also
Object parent class; MobileSegmentedButton