Boolean is an intrinsic data type. A Boolean can only take on the values of True or False. The default value is False.
Name |
Parameters |
Returns |
Shared |
value As String |
Boolean |
✓ |
Boolean |
Method descriptions
FromString(value As String) As Boolean
Returns the value passed as a Boolean.
This method is shared.
If the value is "True", then True is returned, otherwise the False is returned.
This example sets a Value property of a CheckBox to True by passing the String True to the FromString function. This can be useful for setting Boolean values of classes such as CheckBox from Strings coming from files or databases.
CheckBox1.Value = Boolean.FromString("True")
ToString As Boolean
Returns the value as a string.
If the value is True, the String "True" is returned, otherwise the String "False" is returned.
This example displays "True" or "False" in the MessageBox depending on whether the property is set to True or False.
A Boolean is a variable that can have one of two values. In Xojo, the values are True or False. You can think of True as the equivalent of Yes or On, whereas False is equivalent to No or Off.
Boolean values are False by default but can be set to True using the True keyword and back to False using the False keyword.
The VarType function returns 11 when passed a Boolean variable.
Sample code
Declares a Boolean variable and sets its value to True:
Var isTaxable As Boolean
isTaxable = True
The following statement disables a TextField:
TextField1.Enabled = False
All project types on all supported operating systems.