Provides information about the mobile device such as battery level, orientation and more.
Name |
Type |
Read-Only |
Shared |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
The possible charging states of the battery.
Enum |
Description |
Unknown |
The current state of the battery cannot be determined. |
Unplugged |
The device is not plugged into a power source and the battery level is discharging. |
Charging |
The device is plugged into a power source but the battery is less than 100% charged. |
Full |
The device is plugged into a power source but the battery is 100% charged. |
The positions a device can be in.
Enum |
Description |
Unknown |
The orientation of the device cannot be determined. |
Portrait |
The device is perpendicular to the ground with the top of the device pointed upward. |
PortraitUpsideDown |
The device is perpendicular to the ground with the bottom of the device pointed upward. |
LandscapeLeft |
The device is perpendicular to the ground with the top of the device pointed to the left. |
LandscapeRight |
The device is perpendicular to the ground with the top of the device pointed to the right. |
FaceUp |
The device is parallel to the ground with the screen facing upward. |
FaceDown |
The device is parallel to the ground with the screen facing downward. |
The various possible device types.
Enum |
Description |
Unspecified |
The user interface type was not specified. |
Phone |
The user interface is that of a smartphone. |
Tablet |
The user interface is that of a tablet. |
Property descriptions
BatteryLevel As Double
The amount of battery remaining.
This property is read-only.
A value of 0.0 means the battery is full discharged. A value of 1.0 means the battery is fully charged.
This example enables monitoring of the battery, gets the current battery level, disables battery monitoring and then displays the level in a message box:
System.Device.BatteryMonitoringEnabled = True
Var batteryPercentage As Integer = System.Device.BatteryLevel * 100
System.Device.BatteryMonitoringEnabled = False
MessageBox("Your battery is at " + batteryPercentage.ToString + "%")
BatteryMonitoringEnabled As Boolean
If True, the BatteryLevel and BatteryState will be updated.
To preserve battery, set this property to True only while you need to have up to date battery information then set it back to False.
This example enables monitoring of the battery, gets the current battery level, disables battery monitoring and then displays the level in a message box:
System.Device.BatteryMonitoringEnabled = True
Var batteryPercentage As Integer = System.Device.BatteryLevel * 100
System.Device.BatteryMonitoringEnabled = False
MessageBox("Your battery is at " + batteryPercentage.ToString + "%")
BatteryState As BatteryStates
Indicates if the battery is charging, fully charged, etc.
This property is read-only.
To get the current state of the battery, BatteryMonitoringEnabled must be True. One you no longer need to know the current battery state, set BatteryMonitoringEnabled to False.
Identifier As String
A string of characters that uniquely identifies the device.
This property is read-only.
IsProximityNear As Boolean
If True, the device is near the user.
This property is read-only.
The ProximityMonitoringEnabled property must be True for this property to return accurate information. To preserver battery power, only set ProximityMonitoringEnabled to True while calling IsProximityNear and then set it to False as soon as you no longer need it.
If the device is near the user, display a message:
System.Device.ProximityMonitoringEnabled = True
If System.Device.IsProximityNear Then
MessageBox("The device is close to you.")
End If
System.Device.ProximityMonitoringEnabled = False
IsRunningOnDevice As Boolean
If True, the app is running on a physical device rather then in an emulator.
This property is read-only.
This is supported for Android only.
LocalizedModel As String
The device model name localized for the language of the device.
This property is read-only.
Model As String
The device model name.
This property is read-only.
Name As String
The name of the device.
This property is read-only.
This is the name the user gave the device. On iOS, this name appears in Settings > General > About > Name.
Orientation As Orientations
The orientation of the device.
This property is read-only.
This allows you to determine the orientation of the device relative to the Earth. See Orientations for all possible orientations. MobileScreen.OrientationChanged event will be called anytime the orientation changes which is a likely place to access the Orientation property. However, you can access it at any other time.
This example displays a message box if the device is face down:
If System.Device.Orientation = System.DeviceData.Orientations.FaceDown Then
MessageBox("Why are you ignoring me?")
End If
ProximityMonitoringEnabled As Boolean
If True, the operating system will update the app to indicate if the device is near the user or not.
To conserve battery power, set this property to True only when you need to check to see if the device is near the user or not and then immediately set it to False so that the device stops using energy to deliver this data to your app.
If the device is near the user, display a message:
System.Device.ProximityMonitoringEnabled = True
If System.Device.IsProximityNear Then
MessageBox("The device is close to you.")
End If
System.Device.ProximityMonitoringEnabled = False
UserInterfaceType As UserInterfaceTypes
Indicates the type of user interface the device provides.
This property is read-only.
This property makes it easy to determine if the device is a smartphone or a tablet.
When checking both battery and proximity information, it's important to keep the duration of time in which the app is monitoring this data to a minimum as doing so uses more battery power than usual.
You can get the DeviceData by accessing the System.Device method. DeviceData exists in the System module, so to access its enumerations, use System.DeviceData.
Mobile projects on all supported mobile operating systems.