A screen is a layout of mobile controls.
Name |
Type |
Read-Only |
Shared |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Name |
Parameters |
Returns |
Shared |
constraint As iOSLayoutConstraint |
child As MobileControl |
name As String |
index As Integer |
constraint As iOSLayoutConstraint |
child As MobileControl |
parent As MobileScreen |
parent As MobileScreen, style As ModalPresentationStyles = ModalPresentationStyles.Automatic, animate As Boolean = True |
parentControl As MobileToolbarButton, animated As Boolean = True |
parent As MobileUIControl, animated As Boolean = True |
Name |
Parameters |
Returns |
dark As Boolean |
key As String |
key As String |
button As MobileToolbarButton |
Used to specify how the screen's title should display.
Enum |
Description |
Automatic |
Keep the title bar in whatever state is was for the previous screen. |
Always |
The title is always displayed large, regardless of the previous screen. |
Never |
The title never displays in large size. |
The various ways in which a modal screen can be displayed.
Enum |
Description |
Automatic |
Default style chosen by the system. |
CurrentContext |
Appears entirely in front of the current screen. |
Custom |
Can be used with declares or plugins for custom animators. |
FormSheet |
Appears in front of, but not entirely obscuring, the current screen. |
FullScreen |
Appears entirely in front of the current screen. |
OverCurrentContext |
Appears entirely in front of the current screen. |
OverFullScreen |
Appears entirely in front of the current screen. |
PageSheet |
Appears in front of, but not entirely obscuring, the current screen. |
Popover |
Appears in a Popover view (for iPad). |
Property descriptions
BackButtonCaption As String
The caption of the Back button that takes the user back to the current Screen.
The title of the Back button does not appear on the Back button for this Screen, but instead appears on the Back button for any Screens shown by this Screen (using the Show method). It is the caption for the Back button that goes back to this Screen.
This is supported for iOS only.
Self.BackButtonCaption = "Customers"
BottomLayoutGuide As Object
The bottom layout guide for the Screen.
This property is read-only.
This is used when creating iOSLayoutConstraint.Bottom is the absolute bottom of the View. BottomLayoutGuide is adjusted for things such as a Toolbar or TabBar.
This is supported for iOS only.
ControlCount As Integer
The number of controls on the Screen.
This property is read-only.
Get the number of controls on the Screen:
Var count As Integer = Self.ControlCount
HasBackButton As Boolean
If True the Back button appears in the navigation bar.
This property is design time only.
This property is only supported for Android.
HasNavigationBar As Boolean
Indicates whether the Navigation Bar is visible.
The Navigation Bar must be visible in order to see the Title, LeftNavigationToolbar, RightNavigationToolbar or Back button.
Display the Navigation Bar:
Self.HasNavigationBar = True
LargeTitleDisplayMode As LargeTitleDisplayModes
Dictates if and when the screen title should be displayed in a larger size.
This is supported for iOS only.
' Always display the title in a large font size
Self.LargeTitleDisplayMode = MobileScreen.LargeTitleDisplayModes.Always
LeftNavigationToolbar As MobileToolbar
The toolbar to display to the left of the Navigation Bar.
This is only visible when HasNavigationBar = True.
This is supported for iOS only.
Add a button to the left Navigation Bar:
Var cameraButton As New MobileToolbarButton(MobileToolbarButton.Types.Camera)
Modal As Boolean
If True the screen will be displayed as a modal screen.
This is supported for Android only.
NavigationBarHeight As Integer
The height (in points) of the navigation bar.
This is supported for Android only.
NavigationToolbar As MobileToolbar
The screen's toolbar.
This is supported for Android only.
ParentSplitScreen As iOSSplitView
Indicates the split Screen that is the owner of this Screen. It is Nil is there is no split screen.
This property is read-only.
A split screen can only be used on iPad devices. Use this property to determine if a iOSSplitView is displayed. You can then use it to get access to the Master and Detail screens that are displayed.
This is supported for iOS only.
If a iOSSplitView is used, then populate the detail side, otherwise, push a new screen onto the iOSSplitView:
If Self.ParentSplitScreen <> Nil Then
' In the SelectionChanged event for a Table on a Master view of the split screen.
' Gets the Text for the selected row and
' assigns it to a Label on the DetailScreen of the split screen.
DetailScreen(Self.ParentSplitScreen.Detail).Label1.Text = Me.RowCellData(row).Text
' No split screen, so this is a phone.
' Display the Detail Screen and update the text for its label.
Var d As New DetailScreen
d.Label1.Text = Me.RowCellData(row).Text
End If
ParentTabBar As iOSTabBar
Indicates the Tab Bar that is the owner of this Screen. It is Nil if there is no Tab Bar.
This property is read-only.
This is supported for iOS only.
Add a new View to the Tab Bar:
' This code (on a Screen) adds Screen3 to the Tab Bar
If Self.ParentTabBar <> Nil Then
Var v As New Screen3
End If
RightNavigationToolbar As MobileToolbar
The toolbar to display to the right of the Navigation Bar.
This is only visible when HasNavigationBar = True.
This is supported for iOS only.
Add a button to the right Navigation Bar:
Var cameraButton As New MobileToolbarButton(MobileToolbarButton.Types.Camera)
TabBarVisible As Boolean
If True, the tab bar is visible when the screen is shown. Changing this after the screen is shown has no effect.
This is supported for iOS only.
TabIcon As Picture
The icon for the tab upon which this Screen is displayed.
This is supported for iOS only.
TintColor As ColorGroup
Overrides the default tint color of controls within this screen, for example Button captions, Progress Bars and Slider tracks.
The TintColor can be a ColorGroup created in code or one you have created as a project item.
Because this is a ColorGroup, you can create a Dual-color ColorGroup so that the TintColor will automatically be correct in Dark versus Light mode.
This is supported for iOS only.
In the Opening event, set the background color to a ColorGroup in the project called MyTheme:
Me.TintColor = MyTheme
Title As String
The title for the Navigation Bar.
This only appears if HasNavigationBar is True.
Change the title for the Screen:
Self.Title = "Customers"
Toolbar As MobileToolbar
The toolbar that is displayed in the Screen, typically at the bottom.
Add a button to the Toolbar:
Var button As New MobileToolbarButton(MobileToolbarButton.Types.Camera)
TopLayoutGuide As Object
The top layout guide for the Screen.
This property is read-only.
This is supported for iOS only.
This is used when creating iOSLayoutConstraint.Top is the absolute top of the View. TopLayoutGuide is adjusted for things such as a NavigationBar.
Method descriptions
AddConstraint(constraint As iOSLayoutConstraint)
Adds the constraint to the Screen.
This is supported for iOS only.
AddControl(child As MobileUIControl)
Adds a control to the Screen.
Add a control to the Screen:
Var ctrl As New MobileSwitch
' Send its ValueChanged event to the SwitchValueChanged method on the View
AddHandler ctrl.ValueChanged, AddressOf SwitchValueChanged
For Screens that were displayed using Show or ShowModal, this closes the Screen causing the previous Screen to display.
Since calling Close displays the previous Screen, you can call it to simulate the user pressing a "Back" button on the Screen.
You cannot close the main Screen (the one that is specified as the Content for the iOS Layout), however you can swap in another Screen by using the MobileApplication.CurrentLayout property.
Constraint(name As String) As iOSLayoutConstraint
Gets a reference to a named constraint so that you can modify its settings in code.
This is supported for iOS only.
Change an existing (and named) constraint of a control on the Screen:
' "TAWidth" is a width constraint for a TextField that has been given
' a name in the auto-layout Inspector properties.
Var c As iOSLayoutConstraint = Self.Constraint("TAWidth")
c.Offset = 200
ContentSize As Size
The size (in points) of the content area of the Screen. This excludes the Navigation Bar, Tab Bar and Toolbar if they are on the Screen.
Get the content size of the Screen:
Var screenSize As String = Self.ContentSize.Width.ToString + " by " + Self.ContentSize.Height.ToString
ControlAt(index As Integer) As MobileUIControl
Gets the control at the index passed.
Get the name of the first control on the Screen:
Var controlName As String = Self.ControlAt(0).Name
Controls As Iterable
Used to iterate through the controls on a Screen.
This does not include non-control object instances. For that, use the Objects method.
All controls on the Screen are returned as a the MobileControl base type. You can use the IsA operator to check the specific type to see if the control is a MobileButton, MobileLabel, etc.
Loop through all the controls on a Screen and disable only the TextFields:
For Each c As MobileUIControl In Self.Controls
If c IsA MobileTextField Then
MobileTextField(c).Enabled = False
End If
Handle As Ptr
The handle to use when creating Declares to the underlying OS object.
On iOS, the underlying OS object is a UIView.
Objects As Iterable
Allows you to iterate through all the non-control object instances on the MobileScreen.
This does not include controls. For that, use the Controls method.
RemoveConstraint(constraint As iOSLayoutConstraint)
Removes the constraint from the Screen.
This is supported for iOS only.
RemoveControl(child As MobileControl)
Removes the relationship between the child control and the its parent. It does not remove the control itself.
Show(parent As MobileScreen)
Displays the Screen by pushing it over the parent Screen passed.
Show displays a new Screen over the current Screen, placing it on the "stack" so that the back functionality of the new Screen can be used to go back to the previous Screen. If you need to just change the current Screen without affecting the stack, you can do so by using the MobileApplication.CurrentLayout property.
Use the Close method to close the new Screen and go back to the previous Screen.
If you using an iOSTabBar or using an iOSSplitView, you'll need to pass as the parent parameter the MobileScreen in front of which you wish the modal dialog to appear.
This signature is supported for iOS only.
Displays a new Screen:
Var newScreen As New Screen2
Show(makeCurrent As Boolean = False)
Displays the Screen by pushing it over the current screen such that pressing the Back button will take the user back to the previous screen.
If makeCurrent is True then the current screen is replaced by this screen and as such, the Back button will not take the user back to the previous screen.
This signature is supported for Android only.
ShowModal(parent As MobileScreen, style As ModalPresentationStyles = ModalPresentationStyles.Automatic, animate As Boolean = True)
Displays the Screen passed as a modal Screen.
A modal Screen has no navigation bar with a back button the user can use to return to the previous screen.
If you using an iOSTabBar or using an iOSSplitView, you'll need to pass as the parent parameter the MobileScreen in front of which you wish the modal dialog to appear.
This is supported for iOS only. For Android, use the Modal property instead.
Show a dialog from the current Screen:
Var login As New LoginDialog
ShowPopover(parentControl As MobileToolbarButton, animated As Boolean = True)
Displays the screen as a popover below the parentControl.
ShowPopover(parentControl As MobileUIControl, animated As Boolean = True)
Displays the screen as a popover on top of the parentControl's screen.
This method is not currently supported for Android.
This example from a button's Pressed event displays the screen named MyPopover:
Var c As New MyPopover
This method is not currently supported for Android.
Size As Size
The size (in points) of the entire Screen area.
Get the size of the Screen:
Var screenSize As String = Self.Size.Width.ToString + " by " + Self.Size.Height.ToString
ViewControllerHandle As Ptr
The handle to use when creating Declares to the underlying OS object.
On iOS, the underlying OS object is a UIViewController.
This is supported for iOS only.
Event descriptions
Called when the Screen is activated.
This occurs when: * the screen first opens * the screen reappears after a screen pushed from it is closed
AppearanceChanged(dark As Boolean)
Called when a user switches between Light and Dark mode.
Use this event to update any graphics or other UI as needed.
This is supported for iOS only.
Called when the Screen is closed by calling the Close method.
Called when the Screen is deactivated.
This occurs when:
The Screen is closed by calling the Close method or the user tapping the Back button
Another Screen is opened (pushed) onto this Screen
KeyDown(key As String) As Boolean
The passed key has been pressed and not handled by a control on the MobileScreen
. For example, The tab key is never sent to any control. It is instead handled by the MobileScreen
itself. If the MobileScreen
has no controls that can receive the focus, any keys that are pressed will generate KeyDown events for the MobileScreen
. This event handler is passed a parameter that tells you which key was pressed.
Returns a Boolean. Returning True means that no further processing is to be done with the Key, although the KeyUp event is still called.
This is supported for iOS only.
KeyUp(key As String)
Fires when the passed key is released and no other control on the MobileScreen
has captured the event. It is not guaranteed to be the same key that received the KeyDown event.
This is supported for iOS only.
Called when the Screen first appears and typically used for initialization.
The device has been rotated enough to switch between portrait and landscape orientations. This event also occurs immediately after the Opening event should the app need to make changes based upon device orientation.
For an iOS app, if this event isn't firing as expected, make sure you check the orientations that you have enabled for the layout you are using.
Not every rotation of a device changes the orientation of the app. For example, when the device is in landscape orientation and is turned upside down, the orientation does not change and thus this event does not fire.
The screen's size has changed.
This is supported for iOS only.
ToolbarButtonPressed(button As MobileToolbarButton)
Called when a button on the left or right Navigation Bar or the Toolbar is pressed.
Check for a button pressed based on its caption:
Select Case button.Caption
Case "Save"
' call save code
Case "Edit"
' call edit code
End Select
Check for a button pressed based on its type:
Select Case button.Type
Case MobileToolbarButton.Types.Save
' call save code
Case MobileToolbarButton.Types.Edit
' call edit code
End Select
A Screen is the mobile equivalent of a window for the desktop or a webpage for the web.
This class implements the iOSLayoutContent, iOSSplitContent, iOSTabContent and the iOSViewController class interfaces on iOS.
Mobile projects on all supported mobile operating systems.
See also
Object parent class; iOSTabBar, MobileToolbar, iOSLayoutConstraint, iOSSplitView classes.