Reserved words when using Microsoft Office automation
Office reserved words
If you have the OfficeAutomation plugin loaded then the following words, which are the names of Office classes, cannot be used as names of your own variables, objects, or event definitions. In the following lists they are grouped by Office product and by VBE.
VBE defines
Reserved Words |
Reserved Words |
Reserved Words |
VBEComponents |
VBEReferencesEvents |
VBEAddIn |
VBEEvents |
VBESelectedComponents |
VBEAddins |
VBELinkedWindows |
VBEVBComponent |
VBEApplication |
VBEProjectTemplate |
VBEVBComponents |
VBECodeModule |
VBEProperties |
VBEVBProject |
VBECodePane |
VBEProperty |
VBEVBProjects |
VBECodePanes |
VBEReference |
VBEWindow |
VBECommandBarEvents |
VBEReferences |
VBEWindows |
VBEComponent |
Excel reserved words
Reserved Word |
Reserved Word |
Reserved Word |
Reserved Word |
ExcelAddIns |
ExcelCustomView |
ExcelHyperlink |
ExcelIOval |
ExcelAdjustments |
ExcelCustomViews |
ExcelHyperlinks |
ExcelIOvals |
ExcelApplication |
ExcelDataLabel |
ExcelIInterior |
ExcelIPageSetup |
ExcelArc |
ExcelDataLabels |
ExcelILabel |
ExcelIPane |
ExcelArcs |
ExcelDataTable |
ExcelILabels |
ExcelIPanes |
ExcelAreas |
ExcelDefaultWebOptions |
ExcelILeaderLines |
ExcelIParameter |
ExcelAutoCorrect |
ExcelDialog |
ExcelILegend |
ExcelIParameters |
ExcelAutoFilter |
ExcelDialogFrame |
ExcelILegendEntries |
ExcelIPhonetic |
ExcelAxes |
ExcelDialogs |
ExcelILegendEntry |
ExcelIPhonetics |
ExcelAxis |
ExcelDialogSheet |
ExcelILegendKey |
ExcelIPicture |
ExcelAxisTitle |
ExcelDialogSheets |
ExcelILine |
ExcelIPictures |
ExcelBorder |
ExcelDisplayUnitLabel |
ExcelILines |
ExcelIPivotCache |
ExcelBorders |
ExcelDownBars |
ExcelILinkFormat |
ExcelIPivotCaches |
ExcelButton |
ExcelDrawing |
ExcelIListBox |
ExcelIPivotField |
ExcelButtons |
ExcelDrawingObjects |
ExcelIListBoxes |
ExcelIPivotFields |
ExcelCalculatedFields |
ExcelDrawings |
ExcelIMailer |
ExcelIPivotFormula |
ExcelCalculatedItems |
ExcelDropDown |
ExcelIMenu |
ExcelIPivotFormulas |
ExcelCalloutFormat |
ExcelDropDowns |
ExcelIMenuBar |
ExcelIPivotItem |
ExcelCharacters |
ExcelDropLines |
ExcelIMenuBars |
ExcelIPivotItems |
ExcelChart |
ExcelEditBox |
ExcelIMenuItem |
ExcelIPivotLayout |
ExcelChartArea |
ExcelEditBoxes |
ExcelIMenuItems |
ExcelIPivotTable |
ExcelChartColorFormat |
ExcelErrorBars |
ExcelIMenus |
ExcelIPivotTables |
ExcelChartFillFormat |
ExcelFillFormat |
ExcelIModule |
ExcelIPlotArea |
ExcelChartGroup |
ExcelFilter |
ExcelIModules |
ExcelIPoint |
ExcelChartGroups |
ExcelFilters |
ExcelIName |
ExcelIPoints |
ExcelChartObject |
ExcelFloor |
ExcelINames |
ExcelIPublishObjects |
ExcelChartObjects |
ExcelFont |
ExcelInterior |
ExcelIQueryTable |
ExcelCharts |
ExcelFormatCondition |
ExcelIODBCError |
ExcelIQueryTables |
ExcelChartTitle |
ExcelFormatConditions |
ExcelIODBCErrors |
ExcelIRange |
ExcelCheckBox |
ExcelFreeformBuilder |
ExcelIOLEDBError |
ExcelIRecentFile |
ExcelCheckBoxes |
ExcelGlobal |
ExcelIOLEDBErrors |
ExcelIRecentFiles |
ExcelColorFormat |
ExcelGridlines |
ExcelIOLEFormat |
ExcelIRectangle |
ExcelComment |
ExcelGroupBox |
ExcelIOLEObject |
ExcelIRectangles |
ExcelComments |
ExcelGroupBoxes |
ExcelIOLEObjectEvents |
ExcelIRefreshEvents |
ExcelConnectorFormat |
ExcelGroupObject |
ExcelIOLEObjects |
ExcelIRoutingSlip |
ExcelControlFormat |
ExcelGroupObjects |
ExcelIOptionButton |
ExcelIScenario |
ExcelCorners |
ExcelGroupShapes |
ExcelIOptionButtons |
ExcelIScenarios |
ExcelCubeField |
ExcelHiLoLines |
ExcelIOutline |
ExcelIScrollBar |
ExcelCubeFields |
ExcelHPageBreak |
ExcelIOval |
ExcelIScrollBars |
ExcelISeries |
ExcelISpinners |
ExcelIToolbarButton |
ExcelIVPageBreak |
ExcelISeriesCollection |
ExcelIStyle |
ExcelIToolbarButtons |
ExcelIVPageBreaks |
ExcelISeriesLines |
ExcelIStyles |
ExcelIToolbars |
ExcelIWalls |
ExcelIShape |
ExcelITextBox |
ExcelITrendline |
ExcelIWindow |
ExcelIShapeRange |
ExcelITextBoxes |
ExcelITrendline |
ExcelIWindows |
ExcelIShapes |
ExcelITextFrame |
ExcelITrendlines |
ExcelIWorkbookEvents |
ExcelISoundNote |
ExcelITickLabels |
ExcelIUpBars |
ExcelIWorksheetFunction |
ExcelISpinner |
ExcelIToolbar |
ExcelIValidation |
ExcelIWorksheets |
PowerPoint reserved words
Reserved Word |
Reserved Word |
Reserved Word |
PowerPoint ActionSetting |
PowerPointMouseDownHandler |
PowerPointPPTabSheets |
PowerPointAddIn |
PowerPointMouseTracker |
PowerPointPPToggleButton |
PowerPointAddIns |
PowerPointNamedSlideShow |
PowerPointPresentation |
PowerPointAdjustments |
PowerPointNamedSlideShows |
PowerPointPresentations |
PowerPointAnimationSettings |
PowerPointObjectVerbs |
PowerPointPrintOptions |
PowerPointApplication |
PowerPointOCXExtender |
PowerPointPrintRange |
PowerPointBorders |
PowerPointOLEControl |
PowerPointPrintRanges |
PowerPointBulletFormat |
PowerPointOLEFormat |
PowerPointPublishObject |
PowerPointCalloutFormat |
PowerPointPageSetup |
PowerPointPublishObjects |
PowerPointCell |
PowerPointPane |
PowerPointRGBColor |
PowerPointCellRange |
PowerPointPanes |
PowerPointRow |
PowerPointCollection |
PowerPointParagraphFormat |
PowerPointRows |
PowerPointColorFormat |
PowerPointPictureFormat |
PowerPointRuler |
PowerPointColorScheme |
PowerPointPlaceholderFormat |
PowerPointRulerLevel |
PowerPointColorSchemes |
PowerPointPlaceholders |
PowerPointRulerLevels |
PowerPointColumn |
PowerPointPlaySettings |
PowerPointShadowFormat |
PowerPointColumns |
PowerPointPPAlert |
PowerPointShape |
PowerPointConnectorFormat |
PowerPointPPBitmap |
PowerPointShapeNode |
PowerPointDefaultWebOptions |
PowerPointPPBitmapButton |
PowerPointShapeNodes |
PowerPointDocumentWindow |
PowerPointPPCheckBox |
PowerPointShapeRange |
PowerPointDocumentWindows |
PowerPointPPControl |
PowerPointShapes |
PowerPointExtraColors |
PowerPointPPControls |
PowerPointSlide |
PowerPointFileDialog |
PowerPointPPDialog |
PowerPointSlideRange |
PowerPointFileDialogExtension |
PowerPointPPDialogs |
PowerPointSlides |
PowerPointFileDialogExtensionList |
PowerPointPPDropDown |
PowerPointSlideShowSettings |
PowerPointFileDialogFileList |
PowerPointPPDropDownEdit |
PowerPointSlideShowTransition |
PowerPointFillFormat |
PowerPointPPEditText |
PowerPointSlideShowView |
PowerPointFont |
PowerPointPPFrame |
PowerPointSlideShowWindow |
PowerPointFonts |
PowerPointPPListBox |
PowerPointTabStop |
PowerPointFreeformBuilder |
PowerPointPPPushButton |
PowerPointTabStops |
PowerPointGlobal |
PowerPointPPRadioButton |
PowerPointTags |
PowerPointGroupShapes |
PowerPointPPRadioCluster |
PowerPointTextEffectFormat |
PowerPointHeaderFooter |
PowerPointPPScrollBar |
PowerPointTextFrame |
PowerPointHeadersFooters |
PowerPointPPSlideMiniature |
PowerPointTextRange |
PowerPointHyperlink |
PowerPointPPSpinner |
PowerPointTextStyle |
PowerPointHyperlinks |
PowerPointPPStaticText |
PowerPointTextStyleLevel |
PowerPointLineFormat |
PowerPointPPStrings |
PowerPointTextStyleLevels |
PowerPointLinkFormat |
PowerPointPPTabControl |
PowerPointTextStyles |
PowerPointMarker |
PowerPointSlideShowWindows |
PowerPointThreeDFormat |
PowerPointMaster |
PowerPointSoundEffect |
PowerPointView |
PowerPointPPGroupBox |
PowerPointSoundFormat |
PowerPointWebOptions |
PowerPointPPIcon |
PowerPointTable |
Word reserved words
Reserved Word |
Reserved Word |
Reserved Word |
WordAddin |
WordDropDown |
WordIApplicationEvents2 |
WordAddIns |
WordEmail |
WordIndex |
WordAdjustments |
WordEmailAuthor |
WordIndexes |
WordApplication |
WordEmailOptions |
WordInlineShape |
WordAutoCaption |
WordEmailSignature |
WordInlineShapes |
WordAutoCaptions |
WordEndnote |
WordKeyBinding |
WordAutoCorrect |
WordEndnotes |
WordKeyBindings |
WordAutoCorrectEntries |
WordEnvelope |
WordKeysBoundTo |
WordAutoCorrectEntry |
WordField |
WordLanguage |
WordAutoTextEntries |
WordFields |
WordLanguages |
WordAutoTextEntry |
WordFileConverter |
WordLetterContent |
WordBookmark |
WordFileConverters |
WordLineFormat |
WordBookmarks |
WordFillFormat |
WordLineNumbering |
WordBorder |
WordFind |
WordLinkFormat |
WordBorders |
WordFirstLetterException |
WordList |
WordBrowser |
WordFirstLetterExceptions |
WordListEntries |
WordCalloutFormat |
WordFont |
WordListEntry |
WordCaptionLabel |
WordFontNames |
WordListFormat |
WordCaptionLabels |
WordFootnote |
WordListGalleries |
WordCell |
WordFootnotes |
WordListGallery |
WordCells |
WordFormField |
WordListLevel |
WordCharacters |
WordFormFields |
WordListLevels |
WordCheckBox |
WordFrame |
WordListParagraphs |
WordColorFormat |
WordFrames |
WordLists |
WordColumn |
WordFrameset |
WordListTemplate |
WordColumns |
WordFreeformBuilder |
WordListTemplates |
WordComment |
WordGlobal |
WordMailer |
WordComments |
WordGroupShapes |
WordMailingLabel |
WordConnectorFormat |
WordHangulAndAlphabetException |
WordMailMerge |
WordCustomLabel |
WordHangulAndAlphabetExceptions |
WordMailMergeDataField |
WordCustomLabels |
WordHangulHanjaConversionDictionaries |
WordMailMergeDataFields |
WordDefaultWebOptions |
WordHeaderFooter |
WordMailMergeDataSource |
WordDialog |
WordHeadersFooters |
WordMailMergeField |
WordDialogs |
WordHeadingStyle |
WordMailMergeFieldName |
WordDictionaries |
WordHeadingStyles |
WordMailMergeFieldNames |
WordDictionary |
WordHorizontalLineFormat |
WordMailMergeFields |
WordDocument |
WordHyperlink |
WordMailMessage |
WordDocuments |
WordHyperlinks |
WordOLEControl |
WordDropCap |
WordIApplicationEvents |
WordOLEFormat |
WordOptions |
WordSentences |
WordTabStop |
WordOtherCorrectionsException |
WordShading |
WordTabStops |
WordOtherCorrectionsExceptions |
WordShadowFormat |
WordTask |
WordPageNumber |
WordShape |
WordTasks |
WordPageNumbers |
WordShapeNode |
WordTemplate |
WordPageSetup |
WordShapeNodes |
WordTemplates |
WordPane |
WordShapeRange |
WordTextColumn |
WordPanes |
WordShapes |
WordTextColumns |
WordParagraph |
WordSpellingSuggestion |
WordTextEffectFormat |
WordParagraphFormat |
WordSpellingSuggestions |
WordTextFrame |
WordParagraphs |
WordStoryRanges |
WordTextInput |
WordPictureFormat |
WordStyle |
WordTextRetrievalMode |
WordProofreadingErrors |
WordStyles |
WordThreeDFormat |
WordRange |
WordSubdocument |
WordTwoInitialCapsException |
WordReadabilityStatistic |
WordSubdocuments |
WordTwoInitialCapsExceptions |
WordReadabilityStatistics |
WordSynonymInfo |
WordVariable |
WordRecentFile |
WordSystem |
WordVariables |
WordRecentFiles |
WordTable |
WordVersion |
WordReplacement |
WordTableOfAuthorities |
WordVersions |
WordRevision |
WordTableOfAuthoritiesCategory |
WordView |
WordRevisions |
WordTableOfContents |
WordWebOptions |
WordRoutingSlip |
WordTableOfFigures |
WordWindow |
WordRow |
WordTables |
WordWindows |
WordRows |
WordTablesOfAuthorities |
WordWords |
WordSection |
WordTablesOfAuthoritiesCategories |
WordWrapFormat |
WordSections |
WordTablesOfContents |
WordZoom |
WordSelection |
WordTablesOfFigures |
WordZooms |