Examples for iOS

Commonly used declares

' Gets a reference to a class
Declare Function NSClassFromString Lib "Foundation" (classname As CFStringRef) As Ptr
' Usage: Var NSClass As Ptr = NSClassFromString("NSClassName")

' Gets an instance of a class
Declare Function alloc Lib "Foundation" Selector "alloc" (classRef As Ptr) As Ptr
' Usage: Var instance As Ptr = alloc(NSClass)

Set focus on an iOS control

Declare Sub becomeFirstResponder Lib "Foundation" Selector "becomeFirstResponder" (ref As Ptr)

Clears focus on an iOS control

Sub ClearFocus(Extends c As MobileControl)
  Declare Sub resignFirstResponder Lib "Foundation" Selector "resignFirstResponder" (ref As Ptr)
End Sub

Open a URL in the default app that can handle it (ShowURL)

The openURL command can be called with a series of Declares, the last of which requires a Block. Here are the Declares:

Public Function ShowURL(url As String) as Boolean
  ' NSString* launchUrl = @"http://www.xojo.com/";
  ' [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString: launchUrl]];

  Declare Function NSClassFromString Lib "Foundation" (name As CFStringRef) As Ptr
  Declare Function sharedApplication Lib "UIKit" Selector "sharedApplication" (obj As Ptr) As Ptr
  Var sharedApp As Ptr = sharedApplication(NSClassFromString("UIApplication"))

  ' https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Cocoa/Reference/Foundation/Classes/NSURL_Class/#//apple_ref/occ/clm/NSURL/URLWithString:
  Declare Function URLWithString Lib "Foundation" Selector "URLWithString:" (id As Ptr, URLString As CFStringRef) As Ptr
  Var nsURL As Ptr = URLWithString(NSClassFromString("NSURL"), url)

  ' https://developer.apple.com/Library/ios/documentation/UIKit/Reference/UIApplication_Class/index.html#//apple_ref/occ/instm/UIApplication/openURL:
  Declare Function openURL Lib "UIKit" Selector "openURL:options:completionHandler:" (id As Ptr, nsurl As Ptr, options As Ptr, handler As Ptr) As Boolean

  Var b As New ObjCBlock(AddressOf URLResult)

  Return openURL(sharedApp, nsURL, Nil, b.Handle)
End Function

URLResult is a global method with this Declaration:

Public Sub URLResult(success As Boolean)
  ' Your code here, although nothing is required
End Sub

Check the scale for the main iOS screen

Function MainScreenScale() As Double
  Declare Function NSClassFromString Lib "Foundation" (aClassName As CFStringRef) As Ptr
  Declare Function scale Lib "Foundation" Selector "scale" (classRef As Ptr) As CGFloat
  Declare Function mainScreen Lib "Foundation" Selector "mainScreen" (classRef As Ptr) As Ptr

  Return scale(mainScreen(NSClassFromString("UIScreen")))
End Function

Disable the Idle Timer to prevent the device from sleeping

Function SetIdleTimerDisabled(disabled As Boolean)
  Declare Sub setIdleTimerDisabled Lib "UIKit" Selector "setIdleTimerDisabled:" (obj_id As Ptr, disabled As Boolean)
  Declare function sharedApplication Lib "UIKit" Selector "sharedApplication" (clsRef As Ptr) As Ptr
  Declare function NSClassFromString Lib "Foundation" (clsName As CFStringRef) As Ptr
  setIdleTimerDisabled(sharedApplication(NSClassFromString("UIApplication")), disabled)
End Function

Vibrate device

Public Sub Vibrate()
  Const kSystemSoundID_Vibrate = 4095
  Declare Sub AudioServicesPlaySystemSound Lib "AudioToolbox.framework" (snd As Integer)
End Sub

Change text field border

This is how you can create an extension method to change the border style of an MobileTextField.

Create a module and add this Enumeration to it:

Public Enum BorderStyles
  None = 0
  Line = 1
  Bezel = 2
  RoundedRect = 3
End Enum

Now add this method:

Public Sub BorderStyle(Extends tf As MobileTextField, Assigns style As BorderStyles)
  Declare Sub setBorderStyle Lib "UIKit.Framework" _
  Selector "setBorderStyle:" (obj As Ptr, value As Integer)
  setBorderStyle(tf.Handle, Integer(style))
End Sub

You can call this in the Opening event for an MobileTextField like this:

Me.BorderStyle = BorderStyles.None

Change control background color

This is how you can create an extension method to change the background color of most iOS controls.

Create a module and add this method to it:

Public Sub BackgroundColor(Extends c As MobileUIControl, Assigns col As Color)
  Declare Function NSClassFromString Lib "Foundation" (className As CFStringRef) As Ptr
  Declare Function colorWithRGBA Lib "UIKit" Selector "colorWithRed:green:blue:alpha:" (UIColorClassRef As Ptr, red As CGFloat, green As CGFloat, blue As CGFloat, alpha As CGFloat) As Ptr
  Declare Function view Lib "UIKit" Selector "view" (UIViewController As Ptr) As Ptr
  Declare Sub setBackgroundColor Lib "UIKit" Selector "setBackgroundColor:" (UIView As Ptr, UIColor As Ptr)

  Var UIColorClassPtr As Ptr = NSClassFromString("UIColor")
  Var red As CGFloat = col.Red / 255
  Var green As CGFloat = col.Green / 255
  Var blue As CGFloat = col.Blue / 255
  Var alpha As CGFloat = 1.0 - col.Alpha / 255

  Var colorPtr As Ptr = colorWithRGBA(UIColorClassPtr, red, green, blue, alpha)
  Var viewPtr As Ptr = c.Handle
  setBackgroundColor(viewPtr, colorPtr)
End Sub

You can call this method in the Opening event of an MobileTextField to change its background color to red:

Me.BackgroundColor = Color.RGB(255, 0, 0)

See also

Declare keyword