Xojo 2024r4.2 Release Notes

Release Date: 2025-01-22


  • XojoScript now works on Windows ARM64.

  • Integrated Mac app sandboxing, hardening and notarization.

  • Improved performance, especially with preemptive threads, due to a new internal object/string locking mechanism.

  • DesktopWindow.ShowPopover positioning.

  • Code Editor selection matching.

  • URLConnection.FollowRedirects settable property.

  • Explicit TLS v1.3 support for SSLSocket.

  • Android support for ByRef, Operator_Convert, Operator_Lookup, Structure, and Localized Strings


32-bit builds for Linux and Windows are deprecated. Building for Windows 8.1 is also deprecated. These items have not yet been removed, but we do intend to remove them in a future release.


  • Bugs fixed: 6


Resolved Issues

  • Timer.CancelCallLater no longer hangs or triggers exceptions when called from separate threads. (78071)

  • Fixed a regression so Sheet windows are shown as non modal when invoking the Show method on them (macOS). (78145)

  • Listboxes with columns containing asterisks now resize correctly when columns are resized by dragging the column headers. (78149)

  • Windows: Toggling the visibility of multiple submenu items no longer causes the menus to be reordered incorrectly. (78232)

  • iOS: Fixed a bug when building an iOS app and "App Store" is selected for the Build For menu under Build Settings > iOS > Code Signing. (78215)


Resolved Issues

  • Converting large double values to unsigned integer now works correctly again. (78210)