The base class for all controls. The DesktopUIControl class is subclassed from the DesktopControl class.
Name |
Type |
Read-Only |
Shared |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
✓ |
Name |
Parameters |
Returns |
Shared |
Property descriptions
Handle As Ptr
Returns a handle to the control.
This property is read-only.
For interfacing with Mac APIs using Declares, DesktopControl.Handle returns NSViews (except for DesktopToolbar).
On Windows returns the HWND of the control.
On Linux it returns a GtkWidget.
The following gets a handle to the control.
Var p As Ptr = Me.Handle
Index As Integer
If the control is used in a control set, this specifies the control's index in the set.
This property is read-only.
Name As String
The name of the control. Set the name of the control in the Inspector.
This property is read-only.
Scope As Integer
Used to determine whether access to the control is Public (0) or Private (2). The default is Public.
This property is read-only.
This is a designtime-only property and thus can only be set in the Inspector and is not accessible via code.
If the Scope of a control is set to Private, it cannot be accessed from outside its parent window.
Window As DesktopWindow
The control's parent window.
This property is read-only.
This code gets the parent window's Title property.
Method descriptions
Closes a control.
Closing a control permanently removes the control from memory, making it impossible to access. You can close both non-indexed controls and indexed controls. When you close an indexed control, the indexes for the remaining controls will shift downward so that the indexes start with zero and are consecutive.
The following code closes the control. When this is executed from a visible control, the control disappears from the window.
Event descriptions
The control is closing.
The control is about to be displayed. Use this event to initialize a control.
The Opening event is called after the Constructor.
Be warned that initializing control property values using the Constructor instead of the Opening event may result in those property values being overwritten by what is set in the Inspector. For best results, use the Opening event for control initialization rather than the control Constructor.
If the control is supposed to handle drag and drop, you need to tell it which type of item it needs to be able to handle. The following example informs the control that pictures and files can be dropped on it. The type of the file it needs to support is specified via the File Types Editor.
Sub Opening()
End Sub
Desktop projects on all supported operating systems.
See also
Object parent class; DesktopNotePlayer control; Object, DesktopUIControl, DesktopContainer classes.