


This item was deprecated in version 2022r1. Please use WebListBox.CellTextAt as a replacement.


CellValueAt(row As Integer, column As Integer) As String

Allows you to get or set the value associated with the cell at the Row and Column passed.

CellValueAt(row As Integer, column As Integer) As Variant

Allows you to get or set the WebListBoxCellRenderer to used to render custom a custom cell at the Row and Column passed.


Passing an index that is outside the bounds of the rows and/or columns will result in an OutOfBoundsException.

Example code

This example sets the cell value at row 0, column 0 to "Trixie":

ListBox1.CellValueAt(0, 0) = "Trixie"

This example, called from the Opening event of a WebListBox, sets the cell value at row 0, column 2 to an instance of ButtonColumn which is a subclass of WebListBoxCellRenderer:

Me.CellValueAt(0,2) = New ButtonColumn("Edit", "Delete")