ListBox.Heading(index as integer)
This item was deprecated in version 2019r2. Please use DesktopListBox.HeaderAt as a replacement.
Zero-based array of column headings. Headings appear only if HasHeading is True.
If you assign values to both Heading and InitialValue, the first row of InitialValue is interpreted as the first row of data; otherwise, it is used as the heading and the second row of InitialValue is used as the first row of data.
You can set the headings in a multi-column listbox by assigning to Heading(-1) the text of the headings separated by the tab character, e.g.,
Me.Heading(-1) = "FirstName" + Chr(9) + "LastName"
You must use a space if you want an empty header; empty strings will use the default header.
ListBox1.Heading(-1) = "" ' sets all headers of ListBox1 to their defaults.
ListBox1.Heading(5) = "" ' sets column 5's heading to its default heading
ListBox1.Heading(5) = " " ' sets column 5's heading to empty.
Sample code
This example populates a three-column ListBox with headings:
ListBox1.HasHeading = True
ListBox1.Heading(0) = "ID"
ListBox1.Heading(1) = "JobTitle"
ListBox1.Heading(2) = "Name"
All projects types on all supported operating systems.
See also
ListBox parent class